Angela Fiori

Angela Fiori’s purpose and struggle as a painter is to be able to reflect what she is feeling inside. This is a difficult task and always changing, but a very rewarding one when light and shadows, warm and cold, expression and color melt together and form an emotion. She works mostly on canvas and board surfaces and uses oils as a medium; however, she is very intrigued about collage and sometimes incorporates it in her paintings.

Her personal artist website is

 P1060147 Sparrow








She was born in Cali, Colombia from an Italian family. After finishing High School in Bogotá she moved to Italy where she enrolled in the “Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara” and where she spent four years studying Graphic Design under the guidance of very famous professors like Bruno Munari, Vittorio Coppola, Pier Carlo Santini and others who would travel every week from Milan to teach at her school. She spent her fifth year in Italy putting together a show with two other artists after winning a competition in Florence. She returned to Bogotá where she got married and three months later she and her husband traveled to Boston where he enrolled in an MBA program. While he went to graduate school, she applied to the MFA and spent three years focusing on Graphic Design under the supervision of Judith Richland and Joe Landry and participated in the “Fifth Year Competition” before graduating in 1984. After she got out of school, she worked in a graphic design office in Cambridge and eventually ended up freelancing from her house for a few years after that. After her second son was born, she decided to stop working and became a mom until she joined Ruth Kates at the JCC six years ago. This was the first time that she painted realistic work copying from still life setups and photographs. She has also taken a few workshops with David Curtis specifically painting landscapes. In the past few years she has been trying to find her own voice and style by giving herself themes for the year. She went from “fish” to “backyard birds” and is focusing on doing a series of “Fenway Park from above.” Until this year and for the past 8 years, she helped with and designed the sets for the musicals at The Bowen School in Newton. She currently maintains her art studio at Motherbrook Arts and Community Center in Dedham

Past Exhibits

  • Unbound Visual Arts Members Exhibit 2013
  • Marion Art Center Member’ Winter Show 2013
  • Solo Exhibit at id.SALON, Wellesley, MA 2012
  • Danforth Museum, Off the Wall Exhibit, Framingham, MA 2012
  • Scollay Square Gallery Collective Exhibit, Boston 2012
  • Newton Open Studios, Spring Location JCC 2006 – 2012
  • Allston Open Studios November 2011-2012
  • Newton Public Library, Collective Juried Show, Summer 2011
  • The Bonnard Show, Newton, MA 2011
  • Marion Art Center Holiday Sale 2010
  • Collective NAA show at the Newton Public Library 2010-2011-2012
  • Fall Open Studios, Newton Cultural Center 2009
  • Fifth year Competition at the MFA Exhibit at the Cyclorama Building 1986
  • Art Competition in Florence Exhibit at Palazzo Strozzi 1982

Awards and Events

  • Tenacre Country Day School Artist-in Residence Jan/Feb 2013
  • The Mollie L. and Henry Schoenberg Award (Collective NAA show at the Newton Public Library 2012)


  • School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Fifth Year Certificate, 1986, Boston, MA
  • School of the Mueum of Fine Arts, Diploma 1983 – 1986, Boston, Ma
  • Accademia di Belle Arti, 1977 – 1982, Carrara, Italy
  • Santa Francisca Romana, 1969 – 1977, Bogota Colombia
  • Collegio Leonardo da Vinci, 1965 – 1969, Bogota, Colombia

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Unbound Visual Arts (UVA) is a unique 501(c)(3) non-profit art organization. We serve the Greater Boston community with impactful educational programs and exhibits to encourage learning, engagement, and change.

UVA’s Overlook Gallery | 175 Washington St., Brighton, MA.

Saturday 12-4pm

Sunday 12-4pm