FineArtExpo Information

Fine Art Expo – 2017

Important Rules and Information for Artists

Download a pdf of the rules and information here.

Download Promotion Sales Ideas here

Unbound Visual Arts is very excited to be presenting its 1st Fine Art Expo on the Prudential Center’s Boylston Plaza on Saturday, October 14, 2017.  The Expo will run from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm.  We expect approximately 15-20 artists to participate and many thousands 0f potential customers. See the flyer here.

A training for artists in this event will be scheduled to discuss logistics, best retail practices for display, and in engaging potential customers.

Apply hereThere is no deadline and no entry fee.  Artist applications will be reviewed and accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Does UVA have experience with this type of event?

Yes, UVA ran the City Heart Art Show and Sale in May 2017 at the Prudential Center for 43 homeless and low-income artists.  UVA also managed a large group site for Allston Open Studios in 2014.

Who can apply?
 What can be displayed and sold?

Unbound Visual Arts member fine artists interested and displaying and selling original  two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork are encouraged to apply for this unique event.  This includes photography, jewelry, ceramics and fiber art and other similar original and handmade items. Artists accepted in this Fine Art Expo may augment their display by also selling reproductions, prints, note cards and similar type items.  If a member has not made a membership donation in the last 12 months, they will be asked to do so before they are accepted into this event.

There are limited number of spaces available so artists are encouraged to apply as soon as as possible. 

What is the Fee?

There is no entry for UVA members.  At the end of the event, artists are being asked to make a donation equal to 20 percent of their sales. If there are no sales, no donation is requested. There is a maximum donation of $75.00. All donations will be used to defray the costs for running this event, including publicity.

How do I apply?

Complete the no-fee application using the short on-line application HERE.

When Do I hear if I am Accepted?

Acceptance will be on a rotating basis until all the spaces are assigned. 


When Do I hear about the specific space assignments?

Space and tent assignments will be made about one week prior to the event and you will be notified by email or text. Assignments will also be placed on the UVA website.

What is the deadline to apply? 

There is no set final deadline. We will accept artists until all spaces are full.

What to bring to the Expo?

Bring mid-size artwork and small works to display in one half of a tent (50 sq. feet) on one table and one rack and anything else, such as small tables and racks, that you bring that fits in your space. Very large works may not be appropriate for this event, but artists may decide to do so at their own discretion.  Artists assume all responsibility for their work.  Also, bring weights (20 lbs plus) of any type and size and other means to ensure that the art will be secure. The wind is very unpredictable and even though the sun may be shining, wind gusts may seriously disrupt the event.

How do I get my work posted on the UVA website?

The application allows you to submit work you want to highlight at this Fine Art Expo.   You can also update your biography that is currently on the UVA website.

Is there a number to call for info?

Email is preferred at but if necessary you can also call  or text John at UVA at 617-657-4278 prior to and during the event.

What if it rains or snows or it’s very cold?

On Friday, Oct. 13th, prior to Noon,  if the weather looks like it will be inclement and not conducive to an outdoor art event, we will move the event date from Saturday to Sunday. You will notified by email and/or text.  It will also be announced on Facebook, Twitter and UVA’s website.

Will there be shade tents?

Yes, tents will be provided and assigned to the accepted artists. We anticipate that each tent will be shared by two artists. UVA will assist with setting up the tents.  All tents are 10 feet by 10 feet (100 square feet).

Can I bring my own tent?

Yes, provided you indicated that on your application and it’s a commercial tent no large than 10 feet by 10 feet.

What else is provided?

In addition to the tents, artists may request  on their on-line application the following: one six-foot table, one display rack, and 2 chairs.

When should I set up?

Setup starts at 7:30 am.   There is a locking dock garage to the immediate left of the Prudential Center’s 800 Boylston Street, Boston entrance.  

How do I unload?

If you drive, you can proceed to the adjacent Delivery Dock at 772-888 Boylston St. and park temporarily while your car is unloaded.  This dock is located to the left of the Main Prudential Center entrance.  This temporary loading is NOT for all-day parking. Once you unload (UVA will assist if necessary and there are sufficient volunteers) and you bring to your art to your assigned space, someone will watch over your art,  while you move your vehicle to the Prudential’s public parking garage. We will also assist moving the artwork, if we have sufficient volunteers.  This event takes place adjacent to a luxury residential tower and this should be kept in mind when setting up.  Please do not arrive early and please be respectful and keep the noise level down to a minimum before 9:00 am.

Bringing a friend or helper is useful, as another person can help you unload or move your car or watch your belongings while you move the car.  Getting a ride (including Uber or Lyft) to and from the event is another good idea but not always practical or affordable.

Where do I park?

If needed, you will receive a parking voucher for discount parking in the Prudential Center’s garage’s that will entitle you to all day parking for $14.00.  Vouchers will be distributed at the event after the event has started.

Display questions?

All art must be displayed within or on the tent, tables and display racks.  Nothing may be affixed in any manner to any object or any part of the Prudential Center’s Boylston Plaza. For additional ideas see the Promotional Sales Ideas sheet here.

How should I set up?

Artists may use the tables the display racks supplied by UVA or any other similar components they they bring such as Pro Panels, or wire grids.  Artists can also bring a pegboard or a piece of trellis from Home Depot.  Small paintings might work best on a table. You can lean large paintings against the tent. Use your imagination and be flexible.  A list of best practices and tips for setting up and selling will be sent to you prior to the event so that you are fully prepared with all of the day’s logistics, as well as good retail practices for selling, in setting up an attractive area, in engaging potential customers, and in setting prices.  You will also be given the opportunity to share ideas with others prior to and at this event. For additional ideas see the Promotional Sales Ideas sheet here.

Can I leave early?

Artists may not break down before 5 pm.  UVA has committed to the Prudential Center that the event will run until 5:00 pm and if some artists leave early that degrades the quality of the experience for visitors coming later in the afternoon.  We expect many visitors view will return to the Art Expo and so sales could happen at any time.  If an urgent situation arises, however, please don’t hesitate to speak to a UVA representative because we understand some situations cannot be anticipated.

Where is the nearest rest rooms?

There are public restrooms inside the Prudential Center.

Where is the nearest coffee, tea and food?

Caffe´ Lavazza (part of Eataly) is conveniently located on the Boylston Plaza and is easily accessible by all the artists.  There is also a Starbucks and Duncan Donuts inside the Prudential Center and are also accessible through the Caffe´Lavazza.

How are sales handled?

Artists are responsible for handling all sales at this event using cash, checks and credit cards.  As a convenience, you may opt to have UVA handle any credit card transactions using its PayPal system.  There is no charge for this service, but UVA will charge the customers the Mass. Sales Tax of 6.25% and PayPal’s 2.2% processing fee charged to UVA will be deducted to the payment to the artist.  This is strictly voluntary and not required.  UVA will send the sales proceeds to the artists within 7 days of the  event.  For sales over $100, credit cards are usually the choice of customers, so artists may want to obtain their own smartphone credit card processor from PayPal, Square or other similar service. Most of these services charge 2.75 – 3.0%.  UVA’s 2.2% fee is the non-profit rate.

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Unbound Visual Arts (UVA) is a unique 501(c)(3) non-profit art organization. We serve the Greater Boston community with impactful educational programs and exhibits to encourage learning, engagement, and change.

UVA’s Overlook Gallery | 175 Washington St., Brighton, MA.

Saturday 12-4pm

Sunday 12-4pm