Image Guidelines

A pdf version of this page for printing

UVA Web Image Guidelines

Prepared by Francis Gardino

Gardino 1

The following guidelines should be used whenever images are being submitted by artists to UVA for the UVA website, other UVA internet-based sites such as Facebook and Twitter as well as UVA exhibition submissions. Non-artists can also use these guidelines as tips in taking and organizing their photographs. See the Special Instructions for Virtual Exhibitions below.

Take quality high-resolution photographs of your artwork:

  • A digital camera is best, but quality smartphone images are acceptable as well
  • Set camera to highest quality (.jpeg or .jpg format are OK)
  • Shoot in north light or overcast day with little/no shadows
  • Place Camera mid-position perpendicular to artwork or sculpture
  • Avoid unwanted motions/reflections/glare or shadow effects (photos should be to taken without protective glass, acrylic or plexiglass)
  • Use simple backdrops/lighting to enhance 3D/sculptural pieces
  • If necessary, shoot the artwork outside for the best possible lighting
  • If you don’t have a camera or are don’t feel comfortable taking photos of your artwork, ask a friend for help.

Edit your image:

  • Neatly fit image to square or rectangular space
  • Adjust edges w/Crop/Distort tools in Photoshop/Elements/etc.
  • Adjust Hue, Saturation and Levels to match original artwork
  • Save original photo of image for future use

For In-Person exhibitions

  • Resize image to 1000 pixels on at least one side (i.e. 20 x 24 =1000 x 1200)
  • Save your image for UVA use
  • Use image saving convention:(ArtistLastName_title_version.jpg)
  • For instance: vangogh_sunflowers_01.jpg
  • Save as jpeg .jpg image (quality setting = 10)
  • Hint: Naming in some programs, such as Mac’s Photo, requires you to save outside the program to give it a unique name.

Special Instructions for Virtual Exhibitions

A resolution of  1500 pixels on at least one side for the artwork is preferred. close-up view.  Larger resolutions will automatically be scaled down.  This table should help translate pixels to inches.  All artwork print sizes for virtual exhibitions should be at least 12 inches on one size

12 x 12 inches 1500 x  1500 pixels
12 x 18 inches 1500 x 2250 pixels
12 x 24 inches 1500 x 3000 pixels
12 x 36 inches 1500 x 4500 pixels

One can also use this online converter to determine sizes

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Unbound Visual Arts (UVA) is a unique 501(c)(3) non-profit art organization. We serve the Greater Boston community with impactful educational programs and exhibits to encourage learning, engagement, and change.

UVA’s Overlook Gallery | 175 Washington St., Brighton, MA.

Saturday 12-4pm

Sunday 12-4pm