Maria Madison

Artist Biography:

I am the co-founder and president of an historic site commemorating the legacy of a previously enslaved revolutionary war veteran in Concord, Massachusetts. The residents of the historic site have so many stories to tell, some of which represent the overarching struggles of African Americans throughout American history, from slavery to contemporary social justice issues. One of the inhabitants of the house was a ‘fugitive slave’ from New Jersey.  Another resident started Concord’s Female antislavery society and another raised a legal challenge to the first civil rights bill in 1866. I have been working on this project for over a decade and the longer I dwell in studying and representing this history the more I need to express the profound sadness of oppression.

My background includes training and decades of experience in domestic, global health and clinical research. I have a doctorate in Population and International Health from the Harvard School of Public Health and have lived in Africa for over five years. As an African American woman, I see the world as a place with great promise for freedom but as an entity more spiritually available than political.

1.-Auction-TableMaria Trudette Madison, Food Rations During the Iraqi War, drawing, 11 x 18 inches, $1,000Auction

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UVA’s Overlook Gallery | 175 Washington St., Brighton, MA.

Saturday 12-4pm

Sunday 12-4pm