Rejuvenation Reception Photos

The reception on a hot July 20th (2017) evening attracted over 100 guests to the the Crossings Gallery to view the art created by thirteen artists, listen to the entertainment by jazz singer Beth Purcell and her keyboardist Brian Friedland, sample the refreshments from Whole Foods Market, have a glass of wine, take a chance on the raffle and bid on prizes in the silent auction. There were also three excellent short presentations by three artists – Heidi Lee, Christine Winship, and Ruth Rieffanaugh.     Many of the artists were also present to talk individually to the visitors as well.   The Curator and exhibition designer, John Quatrale and Karen Smigliani, informally discussed the exhibition and its purpose of  the importance of rebirth of historic landmarks in much the same way that individuals go through re-birth.  The reception crowd included City Councillor Mark Ciommo, Rep. Kevin Honan, and State Senator Will Brownsberger.




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Unbound Visual Arts (UVA) is a unique 501(c)(3) non-profit art organization. We serve the Greater Boston community with impactful educational programs and exhibits to encourage learning, engagement, and change.

UVA’s Overlook Gallery | 175 Washington St., Brighton, MA.

Saturday 12-4pm

Sunday 12-4pm