Seasons And Beyond

UVA’s Overlook Gallery

175 Washington St., Brighton, MA

March 25 – May 13, 2024

Curated by John Quatrale

Mandala Workshop – Saturday April 13, 2024 2:00 pm

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Elizabeth Geers Loftis, The Women’s Boat, watercolor and oil pastel, 30 x 24 inches

“Seasons and Beyond” presents a sampling of UVA’s permanent collection of multimedia work. This focus reflects the eclectic changes in nature throughout the seasons. As the seasons change, so do we all.  Be sure to reflect on those changes as you study works of art that draw you in for further contemplation. And although we’re viewing the same works, they affect us differently — allowing for a plethora of introspection to take place.

By recalling memorable moments from our past through seeing the depictions of others’ memories, this gives way to understanding the commonalities of life’s highs and lows, despite the different details of our lives. Reminiscing over these common themes that have found their way to us all can result in a therapeutic sense of belonging and stillness with oneself.

“Seasons and Beyond” depicts various scenes in nature, observations of the real-world, and abstract works. Created by over 25 artists, the works range from prints, watercolors, acrylic and oil paintings, as well as photographs and collages.

UVA’s permanent collection of art has over 150 art items created by Boston area artists as well as some archived pieces from various national artists. As we open this new exhibit, we are grateful for offers of donations now and also in the future. 

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Unbound Visual Arts (UVA) is a unique 501(c)(3) non-profit art organization. We serve the Greater Boston community with impactful educational programs and exhibits to encourage learning, engagement, and change.

UVA’s Overlook Gallery | 175 Washington St., Brighton, MA.

Saturday 12-4pm

Sunday 12-4pm